Membership Information
Regular membership in MTCCA shall consist of any town, city or plantation clerk, deputy or assistant clerk, who currently holds an elected or appointed position. A clerk is considered to be a regular member if his/her dues are current. Each regular member has one vote at any annual or special meeting of the Association. There shall be an Annual Meeting of the MTCCA membership.
The Maine Town & City Clerks’ Association (MTCCA) exists to further several major objectives.
- provides a forum for discussing the problems commonly confronted by Maine’s Municipal Clerks
- seeks to find solutions to these problems by exchanging ideas and experiences in a variety of networking and communication opportunities
- strives to improve the management of Maine’s cities and towns through the work of the offices of the Municipal Clerk
- works to better enable members to fulfill and discharge their official duties
- exists to improve each member’s benefits, welfare, and standards
To this end, we have set up a mentoring system that pairs an experienced clerk with a new clerk to allow one on one contact. This program has been well received and is always looking for new participants.
Many of our members contribute freely of their time to make this organization function smoothly and get the necessary information to our members. We are always looking for volunteers to serve on the committees listed in this Web site. If you would like to join the MTCCA, please contact the State President to obtain information or use the application linked to the right.
This organization thrives because of its members and we always encourage clerks, deputy clerks and assistant clerks to join the organization.